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Who we are





The Chickasha Runners, a group of people within the community who enjoy running have teamed up with The Chickasha Optimist Club, a small club with members from the Chickasha community that have come together to help give back to the children in our area, for a great cause!


The Chickasha Runners Club and The Chickasha Optimist Club


The Chickasha Runners Club is made up of a group of members from the community who share the crazy love of running.  It is open to all who'd like to get into running, work on your time or just enjoy running with others.  Members of the group will meet up early in the mornings throughout the week and on the weekends.  We have "fast" and "slow" runners, all speeds are welcome!  We are into helping out our community in any way that we can and were so thankful when the opportunity fell in our lap to help out with the Rod Carroll Christmas run.


Chickasha Optimist is a club that focuses on giving back to youth in our community. We have a few major fundraisers through the year, Groundhog Day Pancake Breakfast, Christmas Carroll 5K, and concession at the Rodeo. We use funds raised to donate to causes benefiting local children, give scholarships to graduating seniors in Grady County and host Project Graduation, an event following CHS Graduation. We raised money for our Rod Carroll Memorial Scholarship to honor long time member Rod Carroll. With our First Annual Christmas Carroll 5k, we were blessed to have raised enough money to award $5000 in scholarships. We had 4 recipients of a $1250 scholarship. Those recipients were: Brayden Battershell, Orion Couch, Malorie Mottinger and Callie Prochaska.

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